Taiwan has been using the Landis & Gyr optical technology cards for over 10 years, before switching to the chip system. The first cards issued were two definitives, 100 and 200 units, both red, without…
Thailand, 1991
Following some tests started in 1989, the first public cards, provided by Landis & Gyr, were marketed in 1991. It was a series of 4 cards, of which the values of 50 baht (circulation 241,044)…
Turkmenistan, 1995
A public trial was conducted by Turkmentelekom, with the magnetic card phone system developed by Alcatel. For the occasion two cards were produced, a test of 50 units, and a public one of 10 units,…
United Arab Emirates, 1988
Following some successful trials during 1986/87, Tamura cards were adopted and the first public set was issued in 1988: there were four different cards, each one with a different slogan about telephone sevices, but for…
Uzbekistan, 1995
A chip card was issued by Netas in 1993 for Uzbekistan, but it was never used in the country. So, a GPT magnetic card with 3UZBA code is the first public issue of this ex-USSR…
Vietnam, 1991
Phonecards appeared in Vietnam in 1991, late comparing to other countries. A trial issue of two cards, both showing the Post & Telecom building, went on experimentally for two years, but then came officially the…
Yemen, 1985
Until 1990, the state of Yemen was divided into two parts: the Arab Republic of Yemen, or Yemen of the North, and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, also known as Yemen of the South.…